Injuries in Youth Sports
Injuries in Youth Sports: How Injuries Impact Our Student-Athletes
Team sports are a fun way to get some exercises, learn new skills, and meet new friends. It is also a way to improve our physical and mental health. Many adolescents who play sports tend to be physically active throughout their lives. This is great news considering the number of benefits exercise plays in our life. These benefits include, but are not limited to better sleep, a balanced diet, and a better mood.
However, sports participation comes with an inherent risk of injury. According to a recent study, “high school athletes alone account for an estimated 2 million injuries, 500,000 doctor visits, and 30,000 hospitalizations annually.” In addition, it is estimated that more than $8 Billion dollars is spent annually on injuries among adolescent athletes.
It's easy to notice the financial and physical impacts an injury can have on a student-athlete. Furthermore, injuries also have a negative impact on mental health. Consider what happens when your adolescent is side-lined due to injury. They may experience changes in mood and self-esteem due to:
time away from peers and mentors;
more time attending medical appointments;
loss time from school.
These emotions can lead to anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress. In some cases, negative impacts can carry over into adulthood if not addressed early.
How can you help?
There are a few strategies we can do to decrease the risk of injury and allow our athletes to enjoy the sport they love.
1. Injury risk assessments. This involves identifying risk factors, such as posture or technique, that may lead to injuries during training or competition. Contact your local physical therapy clinic to learn more.
2. Common sports injury recovery techniques. Recovery does not have to difficult. Knowing how to manage minor aches and pains is a great place to start.
3. Adequate hydration, sleep, and nutrition.
4. Seeking medical advice. Ask your sports team for a list of health professionals that specialize in treating athletes.
At SoledOut Performance & Physical Therapy, we’re committed to helping you achieve your best health. Our team of experienced physical therapists specializes in sports injury prevention and recovery. If you have questions about this subject, contact our clinic to speak with one of our sports physical therapist.
Thanks for reading!
This blog was inspired by two research articles::
Alison R. Snyder. Health-related quality of life differs between adolescent athletes and adolescent nonathletes. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. Aug 2010.
Kristin Haraldsdottir and Andrew M Watson. Psychosocial Impacts of Sports-related Injuries in Adolescent Athletes. Current Sports Medicine Reports. Feb 2021.